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Leak Test for Electric Vehicles Battery Cells

December 3, 2022

Latest company news about Leak Test for Electric Vehicles Battery Cells

Rapid growth in electric vehicle sales along with an increasing interest in fuel-cell-electric powertrain systems presents the auto industry with serious and largely unanticipated quality-control issues.

Billions of lithium-ion battery cells are produced annually and more than five percent are estimated to have small undetected leaks that can affect performance, shorten battery life and cause vehicle fires.

Only a small fraction of EV battery-cell leaks can be detected through traditional methods. Pressure-decay tests, for example, are unreliable or too slow and allow small, but critically important leaks to go unnoticed.


HEJIN offers solutions for leak test and leak detection in all phases of the production process of the batteries:

Leak test for battery cells;

Leak test for cooling circuits of battery modules and packs;

Leak test for battery trays, covers and packs.


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